Saving Halloween: Celebrate 2020 Style

Saving Halloween: Celebrate 2020 Style

My son has been asking about Halloween for months. Kids just love Halloween. Dressing up, getting candy, play games…it’s a kid’s dream. Unfortunately, this year’s Halloween is going to look a bit different. Many of our traditions are going to be canceled or not recommended because of COVID-19 (here’s a ranking of activity safety and here’s an article about not canceling Halloween…just remember you do you and what you’re comfortable with). However, that’s not going to stop us from celebrating….we’ll just have to be creative and come up with some ideas.

Here’s a list of a few things to celebrate Halloween this year. I like to think of Halloween as celebrated throughout the month with the big celebration on the actual day of Halloween (like dressing up, games, etc).

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Review Time: National Geographic Crystal Growing Kit

Review Time: National Geographic Crystal Growing Kit

My son, Caleb, is 4.5 years old and his latest interest has been in rocks and gems. He found this triangle-shaped rock at the beach and was so excited because he found a gem rock. Do you know what a gem rock is? I only just learned of these magical rocks. They give you three powers; the power of strength, the power of speed, and the power of knowledge. The most awesome thing about it, he really believes it.

Given this newfound power (and love) for rocks and gems, I started to search for ways to promote his rock and gem interest. I was browsing Amazon and came across the National Geographic Mega Crystal Growing Lab kit, and knew this would be a hit. I added it to Caleb’s Amazon “wishlist” until a good reason popped up to purchase it. The lucky kid didn’t have to wait long because the grandparents saw me add it and sent it at as “just because” gift. Aren’t grandparents great?

I thought I’d give you the rundown on this kit experience to help in case you’re wondering if you’d like to get it for your kid(s). I always love a good insider view of a toy or activity. So pretend I’m your mom-friend and we’re trying to chat over our kids playing in the background and let me share my experience.

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A Pirate's Life in Ocean Shores

A Pirate's Life in Ocean Shores

What a crazy, surreal year this has been so far! So many things are different and so many plans changed. We had hoped to take some sort of family vacation this summer, but like many of you, our plans were canceled because of the coronavirus. We had also hoped my parents could come to visit at the end of August and we’d all go to the coast together, but then their doctor advised them not to fly. I was quite bummed not to see them and not to have some sort of family trip. This has been such a hard season for all of us. But we’re trying to make the most of it, and so we did a last-minute mini-trip out to the Washington coast.

I’m so glad we were able to squeeze a small trip in before fall officially arrives and we roll into a school routine. Trips, even small ones, really help me get through the humdrum of everyday life. Plus, my husband comes along, of course, so we get some great family bonding time. I live for family time just like Clark “Sparky” Griswold.

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Park Love: Kandle Park

Park Love: Kandle Park

Wow, it’s been a long time since I did a park review. I’m not sure why. Parks are our thing. It’s what we do…all the time. What should we do? Hmm, let me think…go to a park! Most of the parks we go to are Tacoma Metro Parks and they re-opened a few weeks ago. Yay! But with precautions, of course. If you check their website, it lists the following precautions: “Capacity is limited to 5 users at a time. Face coverings required unless able to maintain a distance of at least six feet from others outside your household.”

In our experience so far, the playgrounds have been pretty empty. I’ve also found they are less crowded the earlier you go. Mid-day is prime park time, so you might try to avoid going at that time if you can.

But let’s just talk about playgrounds and parks and not coronavirus stuff. Cool? So, Kandle Park is one of the larger parks near our house, and we enjoy our visits there. I shared it on my Instagram stories a few weeks ago, and some folks didn’t recognize it, which sparked me to write this post. Let’s talk about Kandle Park, shall we?

(Psst: and if you’re digging this park post, you might visit my Puget Park and Tot Lot posts.)

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My Meal Planning Tips and Tools

My Meal Planning Tips and Tools

What’s for dinner?

Do you get that question a lot? I get it from my hubby, but also now from my older son sometimes. It’s the question of the day. Everyday. We all want it. We all need it. And we all want something we love to eat!

Personally, I enjoy cooking and baking. Although, during the week it’s really not as enjoyable because I’d rather use that time to relax or do something fun. Right? I mean, I love to cook and bake, but more so when it’s not rushed and I feel relaxed about it (which, honestly, isn’t often because you know, kids). I do like the end results of it, though. ;)

When it comes to dinner for me, here’s the deal. I am not the kind of person that can just make up dinner with whatever is in the kitchen at 4pm for dinner that evening. That thought terrifies me. I know I could do it if it came to it, but it would stress me out. I am a planner through and through and that applies to my meals. When my friends find out about this aspect of me, the next question is, “how do you meal plan?” I figured this is everyone’s dilemma, so I thought I’d share.

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Five Things to do in Tacoma Right Now

Five Things to do in Tacoma Right Now

I think I say the same thing to my husband every night: Can you believe this is still happening? I’m so tired of it all! How are you holding up?

Yup, we’re still trudging through this whole COVID-19 thing. It’s weird to think back to the beginning of the year and how things have changed and we’ve adapted. I started out with a burst of energy and ideas. Every day we had morning learning time, we took walks sometimes twice a day around the neighborhood, maybe a bike ride, and endless with magnatile creations.

Now, it’s summer so we only do learning time a couple of times a week (Caleb can put up such a fuss sometimes!), we take walks but often at different places, and we’ve moved onto DUPLOS. It’s the same, but not the same. Ahh, the ebb and flow of life during COVID.

Lately, more things have opened up allowing us to do a few more things…with caution, of course. Mainly, we are sticking to outdoor activities.

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2020 Summer Bucket List

2020 Summer Bucket List

Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about bucket lists. Are they like New Years Resolutions? We all know how resolutions go — you are all gun-ho on it for like two weeks and then peter out. However, I like to look at bucket lists as just some ideas on what to do when you’re standing in the kitchen thinking (or, freaking out because the kids are running wild in circles and it’s only 8 am), “what the heck should we do today?!?”

Now, there is one problem: I’m a completionist. The type of person who commits, for better or worse, to the “I AM GOING TO FINISH IT” motto. You give me a list, I’m going to check all those boxes. I have to be careful with these bucket lists. I already made a promise to myself that I will not freak out if not all the boxes are checked. Repeat. I will not freak out if I don’t check all the boxes. Good pep-talk.

Now to the summer bucket list. While summer officially started June 21st on the calendar, we all know summer officially starts the day after July 4th in the Pacific Northwest. The sun is out consistently and the rain stops. We actually have to turn on sprinklers to keep the grass green. So that’s why I waited on my list until this week. I also tried to make it “stay at home” and “socially distant” acceptable. And here’s the list:

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A Father's Day Craft: Monster Hug Cards

A Father's Day Craft: Monster Hug Cards

Truth: I didn’t come up with this idea. I found it on another blog, Kids Craft Room (here’s the link to the original craft I’m sharing here) However, I tested it, put on my own spin (to make it easier), and can confirm it’s cute and doable! So there’s that.

Also, it’s not a tie, golf (or any sport), bbq, or beer-themed card. The world has too many of those for Father’s Day. This here is an adorable and fun monster hug card and your father and/or grandfathers will love it.

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Simple, Delicious Dinner Ideas

Simple, Delicious Dinner Ideas

If you follow me on Instagram stories, you’ll remember I asked if you’d rather see a post about sourdough bread or simple meals. It was a close race, but sourdough won. That post has been written and shared - I hope you’ve been inspired to make some bread!

But, now we really must talk about simple dinner ideas because dinner happens every. single. day. And with more cooking happening during COVID-19 stay at home, the more desperate we all are for ideas. AMIRIGHT? I’m always down for a good dinner idea anytime, during COVID or not. Simple, good, nutritious ideas. I appreciate meals that are quick and tasty but also provide a good balance of protein, veggies, and a grain or starch. Recently I’ve found some nice vegetarian meals as well. My grocery bill started to get high and I was looking for ways to cut down, so I cut out meat a few nights a week.

Okay, less talking and more sharing…

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Breaking Bread: Sourdough Bread Baking

Breaking Bread: Sourdough Bread Baking

What have you been doing during all this time at home during the coronavirus quarantine? I hear about all these people having extra time to pick up hobbies, binge TV shows, read, bake, etc. I don’t think people with kids have this new-found “extra time” thing. If anything, I feel like I almost have less time with everyone home. Not to mention, additional tasks like having to find activities and projects to teach Caleb and keep the boys busy.

I do have a little bit of downtime…the difference is, it’s not anything different from pre-quarantine days. It’s the time during naps and after the boys are asleep for the night. During these downtimes, I enjoy cooking and baking; something I’ve always found joy in doing even before kids and the coronavirus. And I’m so happy to hear some people are finding enjoyment in the kitchen now! In fact, I hear that bread and banana bread making has become a popular activity. Yay (except for the fact that finding flour has become a bit difficult).

I wouldn’t call myself an expert, but I have been making bread for a while now. I started with instant/dry-active yeasts, but last spring a friend shared her sourdough starter and started exploring the world of sourdough. Honestly, using a sourdough starter is more effort but the results are fantastic and you feel so accomplished.

Another thing about sourdough is that it’s “healthier” for you than instant yeast. It makes wheat flour more digestible and it’s better for your gut since it’s known to have probiotic potential (read more here). But if you’re not ready for sourdough starter bread, then instant yeast bread is still so satisfying and scrumptious. Not to mention, it’s quicker and easier overall.

I don’t want to do yet another guide to sourdough. For one, I’m hardly an expert. I haven’t spent nearly enough time researching and understanding it all (my downtime is limited!). And secondly, there are so many out there already written by much more knowledgable bread bakers. Instead, I’m here to share the ones I have found helpful and easy to follow…and give good results!

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A Walk Downtown: Tacoma's Plywood Mural Art

A Walk Downtown: Tacoma's Plywood Mural Art

How are you doing? Hanging in there? These are strange times, right?

All sorts of emotions here - feeling a bit trapped, tired, and optimistic about some return normalcy in the near future…and then back to being frustrated and pessimistic. Ha! One of my least favorite parts of all this is the ambiguity of it all - nobody seems to know how what and when.

However, we’re all in this together and I feel lucky we have a strong community here in Tacoma. One thing that was encouraging lately was all the murals in downtown Tacoma.

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My Ultimate TV Binge List

My Ultimate TV Binge List

Guys, this is what we do at night after the boys are asleep: watch shows or movie. Usually it’s TV shows since having kids we can never finish a movie in one evening, and now we seem to enjoys shows/series more than movies. Do you do the same? Well, with the coronavirus and quarantine maybe you are watching more at home. And if you’re like us, you run into what we call “show holes.” So when you finish a series and you have to find something new to watch. It can be challenging to find something (especially if you really liked what you were watching and miss the characters and storyline and nothing seems to stand up to it). Anyway, I’m here for you. I’ve racked my brain to remember all the TV shows I’ve ever watched (as an adult) and made a list of my favorites. So get ready for this, there are a lot of them. I hope you find something enjoyable to watch. (Oh, and I tried to categories them as best I could, but some would really fall under a couple categories sometimes.)

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Learning at Home during the Coronavirus

Learning at Home during the Coronavirus

What day is it? How many weeks have we been quarantined at home? When will school start again…if ever this year? This has been rough…are you with me?

Luckily, both my boys are still rather young, so school is more about socialization and learning is more through play, asking questions, doing experiments…basically happening all day. However, spending time on some age-appropriate topics each day helps the day move along is beneficial for my son as it provides some structure, focuses him, and exercises his mind and creativity on other ways. My focus right now is numbers, the alphabet, and learning to spell and write his name. I’ve been using a couple of resources to come up with fun ways for him to learn. First, I use groups on Facebook like 253 Parents Get Resourceful and Too Cool for School. Then there are two awesome Instagram accounts: Busy Toddler and Happy Tot Shelf.

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Simple Science Experiments for Young Kids

Simple Science Experiments for Young Kids

My 4-year-old son is obsessed with experiments and our isolation indoors has only increased this obsession. His favorite experiments involve water. Generally, he wants to freeze little things (like the tiny animals and insect figurines) in his science test tubes and then melt it. Better yet, add color tablets we have to color his bath water to change the water’s color of his experiment. I guess there could be worse obsessions, but I’m constantly drying the floor, tables, chairs, etc. Water everywhere!

Honestly, I love that he’s so interested in experiments and I want to encourage it. I try to come up with simple experiments for us to do together. The experiments need to have rather immediate results because he’s four-years-old and needs instant gratification. And simple so that I don’t have to go to a special store to get supplies, and better yet, I already have them all at home. I’ve gathered a few good ones and thought I’d share so you have some fun ideas in your back-pocket during all the social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Coronavirus: Keeping Busy at Home

Coronavirus: Keeping Busy at Home

I imagine you’re at home right now like me trying to figure out what the heck to do to keep your kids busy since school is closed (and everything else we do is closed like the zoo, YMCA, Children’s Museum, etc). UGH! I feel so much anxiety about what I’m going to do to keep my little guys entertained and learning. And social media is overwhelming me. In fact, I almost feel more anxious after going online - it’s like all this information is being tossed out into the world but I can’t seem to keep track of it all, and not to mention how to deceiver what will actually work for my kid’s age and temperament. On top of that, I’m thinking I need some sort of schedule since everyone is doing it. AHHH.


So I started a list since that makes me feel better usually. Below what I’ve gathered. Then as we were on a walk yesterday, I came up with a schedule. It needed to be pretty relaxed and flexible given weather and moods.

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Checking it Out: Debbie Dolittle's Indoor Petting Zoo

Checking it Out: Debbie Dolittle's Indoor Petting Zoo

I’ve been curious about Debbie Dolittle's Indoor Petting Zoo for a while. I was really hoping to find someone that had been there to see what it’s all about, but everyone I talk to is just like me: never been but curious. One recent Saturday afternoon we had nothing to do and I figured it was the perfect time to see what the place as all about.

Now, I can be that person to you - you know, the one I was looking for to tell me all about it. Yup, here I am ready to share all the details with you. Before I dive into this, I do want to say I have no insights or information about any of Debbie Dolittle’s animal practices. I saw some stuff online a while ago shaming it for poor animal treatment, but I really don’t know the whole story - what’s true, what’s not true, I don’t know. I’m just going to share what our experience was that afternoon with our kids.

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Flying with Kids: A Few Tips

Flying with Kids: A Few Tips

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty kids on airplanes stuff, did you hear about the Sea-Tac airport rebranding? Yup, they are rebranding Sea-Tac Airport as simply “SEA.” Read all about it here. Interesting, right?! I’m not sure how I feel about this change, although I’ll probably always call it Sea-Tac.

Now, to the kids talk. I recently took a flight with both boys on my own from Sea-Tac (hehe) to San Diego to visit my parents (grandparents trip!). While I’ve flown with just Caleb and me a bunch in the past, I was very anxious about flying on my own with two kids. Two would outnumber me and I honestly can’t remember what I did with Caleb - something I like to call parental amnesia. I knew Caleb (4 yrs old) would be relatively easy since I can basically just hand him an iPad and he’s occupied for a good while. However, Wesley was another story. He’s 14 months, so he’s not watching shows or playing games, yet. He’s also in that very awkward stage between crawling and walking and is very, VERY wiggly. In addition, I remember Caleb being a terrible airplane napper (so I do remember somethings), so I wasn’t banking on that for Wesley either (rightly so, apparently, as he did not nap).

The good news: All the planning paid off because both ways went incredibly smoothly. {insert cheering!} No meltdowns and really not a lot of fussing either. Honestly, I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.

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Tacoma Treats for Valentine's Day

Tacoma Treats for Valentine's Day

Guys, I have the worst sweet tooth. Usually, it’s for something like ice cream, but I can’t say no to a macaron either. And the holiday of sweets is around the corner…Valentine’s Day. Oh yea, I’m excited for a good excuse to eat some sweets. If you don’t get your SO flowers, then a sweet treat to say, “I love you, hun” is always a nice gesture. Here’s a few ideas to get you rolling

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It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It's Raining, It's Pouring: Indoor Activities in Tacoma

It’s raining, it’s pouring, there is no time for snoring, she bumped her head…well, let’s just stop there. We all know that raining days are the worst when you have kids. You get all couped up inside and everyone is stir crazy and it’s just a loooooonnnggg day. These days, I find my self racking my brain on what to do and/or where to go. I started a list on my notes app on my iPhone and usually start there. I thought I’d take it a step further and write a post.

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My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

I feel like every email and every blogger I follow has list upon list of gifts (click here or here, for example). Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Gifts for the Home Cook, Gifts for {fill in the blank}. While I appreciate the lists and they give me ideas, but they also seem to send spirals of anxiety through me. I feel like I have to find all the gifts…on sale…right now. AHH! Then I always want to give thoughtful gifts and something the receiver would really enjoy, so I find myself online searching, reading, looking, deciding, and going down rabbit holes of random things. Top all this with all the emails about sales here, shipping deadlines, and I’m just going nuts. My brain is like a ping pong table. Or like a dog seeing a squirrel. Are you relating at all to me here? Or am I really just that nuts? Ha, don’t tell me.

So to further complicate things, I’ve got my own list for you. I’m taking the Oprah route and calling it My Favorite Things!

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