What do to with Tacoma Holiday Visitors

What do to with Tacoma Holiday Visitors

I'm picturing this: you're all sitting in the living room looking at your phones with the kids poking you, saying they are bored.

That's a sign to put your phone in your pocket, grab a jacket, and scramble to your car to get out! But, the big question: what to do? It's tough! Sometimes it's hard to know what to do because you might have a range of ages visiting for the holidays. Maybe a grandparent that can't go for long walks or a young singleton that is up for more adventure. Here are some ideas that can help guide you this season.

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My Ultimate TV Binge List

My Ultimate TV Binge List

Guys, this is what we do at night after the boys are asleep: watch shows or movie. Usually it’s TV shows since having kids we can never finish a movie in one evening, and now we seem to enjoys shows/series more than movies. Do you do the same? Well, with the coronavirus and quarantine maybe you are watching more at home. And if you’re like us, you run into what we call “show holes.” So when you finish a series and you have to find something new to watch. It can be challenging to find something (especially if you really liked what you were watching and miss the characters and storyline and nothing seems to stand up to it). Anyway, I’m here for you. I’ve racked my brain to remember all the TV shows I’ve ever watched (as an adult) and made a list of my favorites. So get ready for this, there are a lot of them. I hope you find something enjoyable to watch. (Oh, and I tried to categories them as best I could, but some would really fall under a couple categories sometimes.)

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