My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

My Favorite Things 2019: A Christmas Gift List

I feel like every email and every blogger I follow has list upon list of gifts (click here or here, for example). Gifts for Her, Gifts for Him, Gifts for the Home Cook, Gifts for {fill in the blank}. While I appreciate the lists and they give me ideas, but they also seem to send spirals of anxiety through me. I feel like I have to find all the gifts…on sale…right now. AHH! Then I always want to give thoughtful gifts and something the receiver would really enjoy, so I find myself online searching, reading, looking, deciding, and going down rabbit holes of random things. Top all this with all the emails about sales here, shipping deadlines, and I’m just going nuts. My brain is like a ping pong table. Or like a dog seeing a squirrel. Are you relating at all to me here? Or am I really just that nuts? Ha, don’t tell me.

So to further complicate things, I’ve got my own list for you. I’m taking the Oprah route and calling it My Favorite Things!

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